By Kreig Marks, July 2024
TRR: Could you tell us about how your band formed and what inspired you to start making music together?
CURSOR: Cursor began as Luke’s side project in 2017, born out of a desire to bring his musical ideas to life. He gathered some friends from high school to help flesh out the tunes he had in mind, which eventually led to the creation of our first EP, Seeking Connection and since then the band has grown and welcomed some new members along the way which culminated in our debut LP Apparitions. All of us grew up in small towns, where entertainment was far and few between and music was our saving grace. It was our escape and our joy rolled into one. That love for music and creating is what brings us together. As a band, we are inspired to craft genuine, euphoric rock music that speaks to the soul. At the end of the day, we are just a bunch of friends sharing our passion, hoping our music resonates with others as much as it does with us.
TRR: What would you say sets your music apart from other emerging rock bands today?
CURSOR: We all have an eclectic blend of influences and we work hard to try and mix them together in a unique way that inspires us and is true to our vision. We really write from the heart and we hope that comes across in our music. We aren’t chasing any fads or scenes but just trying to make music that moves us.
TRR: How would you describe your band's sound and style? Are there any specific artists or bands that have influenced your music?
CURSOR: We aim for a blend of both heavy and beautiful elements. We really love those big choruses and vulnerable verses and playing within those dynamics with some progressive elements. Some of our influences would be bands like Deftones, The Cure, Aveneged Sevenfold, The Pixies, Thrice, and Misfits to name a few. We all listen to a lot of different music and genres and we just chase what we like no matter the genre.
TRR: What has been the biggest challenge your band has faced so far, and how did you overcome it?
CURSOR: The biggest challenge has been trying to navigate members to find the right lineup for Cursor. It can be really hard to find the right chemistry and everyone be on the same page, but we just kept fighting for it and eventually we found the right team and we are all happier and more motivated than ever as a band.
TRR: Can you share a memorable moment from one of your performances or recording sessions that stands out to you?
CURSOR: Playing Blue Ridge Rock Festival in 2021 was pretty surreal. The line up was so stacked with so many bands we love and be able to play along side them was so incredible.
TRR: What are your short-term and long-term goals as a band? Where do you see yourselves in the next few years?
CURSOR: Short term we want to promote and play to as many new crowds as we can to support our new record Apparitions and continue to grow. Long term we have some upcoming releases planned and collabs that we are excited to share and we would like to tour and partner with like minded bands and labels. We want to continue to grow as a band and be able to have our own headlining tours some day.
TRR: How do you approach songwriting as a band? Is it a collaborative process, or does each member contribute individually?
CURSOR: Each song is a little bit different but usually Luke or Josh start with an idea and then Luke arranges a demo of the song. Then, the collaboration really begins where everyone brings their special sauce to the mix on their instruments and we all put our heads together to hopefully make the best song we can as a band.